ADPKD Mouse Model

Uniquely engineered Autosomal Dominant Pkd1 Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) Mouse Model 

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by the development of renal fluid-filled cysts, eventually leading to kidney failure. With a prevalence of 4 in 10.000, ADPKD is a relatively common genetic disorder. 

Mutations in the Pkd1 gene are associated with approximately 85% of ADPKD cases. To support the preclinical development of new drugs and therapies for ADPKD, InnoSer offers a well-established, conditional, renal-specific Pkd1 knock-out (KO) ADPKD mouse model. 

Access the data and platform details here

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Nephrology research with InnoSer

kidney ultrasound imaging

Powered by ultrasound

In vivo imaging has become a valuable tool for collecting mid study data particularly in long term animal studies. These non-invasive methods can be applied with high sensitivity and in real time. With InnoSer’s imaging capabilities, track your lead compound effects on cyst growth easily. Read more >>

adpkd mouse cysts

Smart pathological assessment

Histopathological assessments are standard parts of our ADPKD model readouts. Thanks to smart algorithms being trained to identify cysts in an automated manner, these can be offered in an efficient way, also with possibilities of long term and secure cloud storage of the images. Read more >>

scientist checking on organoids for cancer research

Scientific experts to guide you

An expert team of scientists with vast experience in our ADPKD model helps you choose the right model options and set up optimal study designs for your nephrology projects. Curating the preclinical testing of your lead compounds with a deep understanding in the field is your solution to accelarating your drug development.

ADPKD Mouse Model Options

InnoSer offers different ADPKD mouse models by specifically timed Tamoxifen-induced Pkd1 knockout. There are three models available depending on which post-natal (P) day Tamoxifen is administered: 

The P10 model is widely used as a first screening platform as it offers quick and robust results with renal cyst formation, while the P18 and P40 models show a slower progression even closer to clinical phenotypes. 

For all your nephrology projects, we support custom in vivo models for kidney injury and toxicological studies. 

ModelCyst characteristics
P10Quick progression of cyst formation in the distal segment of the nephron
P18Slow progression with cysts in all segments of the nephron
P40Slow and reproducible cyst formation in the proximal part of the nephron


Timelines using ADPKD Mouse Model

Conditional Pkd1 knockout at different time points (P10, P18, P40) allows the establishment of multiple mouse models, with different disease progressions and phenotypes to meet your specific requirements in terms of study duration, outcome measures and clinical translatability. 

PKD mouse model timelines
PKD data leaflet download

View the list of indications and markers of interest

Key readouts in the ADPKD mouse model

  • Survival
  • Body weight  
  • Kidney weight 
  • Ultrasound imaging to determine kidney volume as a long-term non-invasive method for intermediate therapeutic effect evaluation. 
  • Blood urea evaluation
  • Glomerular filtration rate (GFR; measured transdermally)

    Histopathology by certified veterinary pathologists:  

    • Cystic index and associated pathological lesions 
    • Special stainings and immunohistochemistry for specific markers of interest

    The people behind your research

    Dorien Peters

    Developed by Prof. Dr. Dorien Peters of the LUMC

    Dr. Peters from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) focuses on insights into the genetic, pathophysiologic and functional mechanisms of inherited disorders.

    Laura Blockken

    Laura Blockken , Nephrology Study Director

    An expert team of scientists with vast experience in our ADPKD model help you choose the right model and set up your optimal study design. We provide the solution to accelerating your drug development.

    AAALAC Accreditation

    InnoSer has earned the AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to responsible animal care and use. AAALAC International is a nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. Our accreditation is valid for three years, incl. 2023. Read more about the AAALAC accreditation programme here.

    AAALAC logo

    Animal Welfare

    The 3Rs impact everything from policy and regulatory change to the development and uptake of new technologies and approaches. This is why Innoser has ongoing commitment and monitoring of these processes. The steps we practice maximize our ability to replace, reduce and refine animal involvement and facilitate our commitment to these principles when it comes to research and drug development.

    Related Resources

    Choosing The Right ADPKD Model for Advancing your Rare Disease Research

    Novel therapeutic molecule for ADPKD presented at the ERA Congress

    InnoSers Ongoing Commitment to the 3Rs

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