Polycystic Kidney Disease – ADPKD Mouse Model (Pkd1 cKO)

Use the gold-standard research ADPKD mouse model to test the efficacy of your novel therapeutics for Polycystic Kidney Disease

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ADPKD Mouse Model Key Characteristics

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by the development of renal fluid-filled cysts, eventually leading to kidney failure. With a prevalence of 4 in 10.000, ADPKD is a relatively common genetic disorder. Mutations in the Pkd1 gene are associated with approximately 85% of ADPKD cases.

To support the preclinical development of new drugs and therapies for ADPKD, InnoSer offers a well-established, conditional, renal-specific Pkd1 knock-out (KO) ADPKD mouse model. 

Looking for more details about our preclinical services?

✓  The ADPKD mouse model is an inducible, conditional, kidney-specific Cre (lox,lox)-Pkd1 knock-out (cKO) model. 

✓  cKO of the Pkd1 gene at specific time points results in three different models with different stages of disease progression.

✓  ADPKD mice show age-dependent, reproducible cyst formation and epithelial cell proliferation, similar to ADPKD patients. 

✓  InnoSer offers multiple validated positive controls in the ADPKD mouse model (Everolimus, Tolvaptan, Mozavaptan, Rapamycin, Salsalate). 

✓  InnoSer maintains a continuous stock of ADPKD mouse colonies, supporting quick study initiation timelines.

European based preclinical CRO offering Fragile X syndrome mouse models for drug development

Take advantage of InnoSer’s expertise, flexibility and collaborative approach for your research. We support our clients in identifying new drugs or applications, characterizing their pharmacological properties, and conducting safety and efficacy testing with state-of-the-art readout capabilities and histopathological analysis. 

InnoSer’s ADPKD expert team possesses relevant experience in working with multiple therapy types ranging from small molecules, biologics (antibodies, peptides, enzymes), and gene therapy (viral vectors – e.g.. AAVs). 

Your ADPKD Research Starts with InnoSer.

Access detailed study timelines, essential readouts, robust ADPKD mouse model validation data, and benchmark your ADPKD drug candidate against existing treatments.

PKD data leaflet download

ADPKD Mouse Model Options

InnoSer offers different ADPKD mouse models by specifically timed Tamoxifen-induced Pkd1 knockout. There are three models available depending on which post-natal (P) day Tamoxifen is administered: 

The P10 model is widely used as a first screening platform as it offers quick and robust results with renal cyst formation, while the P18 and P40 models show a slower progression even closer to clinical phenotypes. 

For all your nephrology projects, we support custom in vivo models for kidney injury and toxicological studies. 

Model Cyst characteristics
P10 Quick progression of cyst formation in the distal segment of the nephron
P18 Slow progression with cysts in all segments of the nephron
P40 Slow and reproducible cyst formation in the proximal part of the nephron


Timelines using ADPKD Mouse Model

Conditional Pkd1 knockout at different time points (P10, P18, P40) allows the establishment of multiple mouse models, with different disease progressions and phenotypes to meet your specific requirements in terms of study duration, outcome measures and clinical translatability. 

PKD mouse model timelines

ADPKD Mouse Model Sample Data

ADPKD Mouse Model Readouts

Key Readouts in the ADPKD Mouse Model

Test the efficacy of your treatments in the following battery of translational readouts:

Histopathology readouts

Histopathology assessments performed by certified veterinary pathologists:

Key Publications Using the InnoSer’s ADPKD Mouse Model

  • Dagorn, P. G., Buchholz, B., Kraus, A., Batchuluun, B., Bange, H., Blockken, L., Steinberg, G. R., Moller, D. E., & Hallakou-Bozec, S. (2023). A novel direct adenosine monophosphate kinase activator ameliorates disease progression in preclinical models of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease. Kidney International, 103(5), 917–929. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.kint.2023.01.026
  • Brownjohn, P. W., Zoufir, A., O’Donovan, D. J., Sudhahar, S., Syme, A., Huckvale, R., Porter, J. R., Bange, H., Brennan, J., & Thompson, N. T. (2024). Computational drug discovery approaches identify mebendazole as a candidate treatment for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Frontiers in pharmacology, 15, 1397864. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2024.1397864

Your Nephrology Research with InnoSer

kidney ultrasound imaging

Powered by ultrasound

In vivo imaging has become a valuable tool for collecting mid study data particularly in long term animal studies. These non-invasive methods can be applied with high sensitivity and in real time. With InnoSer’s imaging capabilities, track your lead compound effects on cyst growth easily. Read more >>

adpkd mouse cysts

Smart pathological assessment

Histopathological assessments are standard parts of our ADPKD model readouts. Thanks to smart algorithms being trained to identify cysts in an automated manner, these can be offered in an efficient way, also with possibilities of long term and secure cloud storage of the images. Read more >>

scientist checking on organoids for cancer research

Scientific experts to guide you

An expert team of scientists with vast experience in our ADPKD model helps you choose the right model options and set up optimal study designs for your nephrology projects. Curating the preclinical testing of your lead compounds with a deep understanding in the field is your solution to accelarating your drug development.

The People Behind Your Research

Dorien Peters

The ADPKD Mouse Model was Developed by Prof. Dr. Dorien Peters of the LUMC

Dr. Peters from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) focuses on insights into the genetic, pathophysiologic, and functional mechanisms of inherited disorders.

Laura Blockken

Laura Blockken, Nephrology Study Director

An expert team of scientists with vast experience in our ADPKD mouse model help you choose the right model and set up your optimal study design. We provide the solution to accelerating your drug development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mouse model of ADPKD?

The mouse model of ADPKD is a genetically engineered research tool used to study Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). InnoSer’s inducible kidney-specific Cre(lox,lox)–Pkd1 knockout (KO) mouse model is the gold standard model for evaluating the efficacy of novel therapeutics for ADPKD in preclinical research. Discover how this model has been used in research. View the publication list here. 

What positive controls are used in the ADPKD mouse model?

Positive controls in the ADPKD mouse models include known compounds that predictably influence cyst formation. Including positive controls in a study is essential to establish a comparison for evaluating the efficacy of novel therapeutic compounds. At InnoSer, we have validated a multitude of positive controls: – mTOR inhibitors (Everolimus, Rapamycin) – Vasopressin receptor antagonists (Mozavaptan, Tolvaptan; only approved ADPKD treatment), – AMPK activators (Salsalate; view validation data in our previous blog posts here and here). The selection of a positive control depends on your test item’s mechanism of action. For example, Salsalate may be used as comparator for therapies targeting AMPK-involved pathways. Contact our team to identify the right positive controls for your ADPKD study.

How do your models replicate the cyst formation seen in ADPKD patients?

InnoSer’s Pkd1 knockout mouse models of ADPKD highlight different aspects of cyst formation observed in human ADPKD patients by conditionally disrupting the Pkd1 gene expression. The inducible feature of this model allows a disruption of Pkd1 gene expression at specifically chosen time points, both in juvenile and adult mice. This not only allows a well-controlled evaluation of ADPKD pathogenesis, but also the creation of different ADPKD progression models (P10, P18, and P40), thanks to the characteristic age-dependent cyst formation observed in these animals. This allows the evaluation of different aspects of disease progression and how they can be influenced by a therapeutic test item depending on the mode of action. The different models all replicate hallmark features of human ADPKD, including progressive kidney enlargement, cyst formation, and impaired kidney function. Learn more about our P10, P18, and P40 models in our blog post here.

Are InnoSer's ADPKD mice readily available for studies?

Yes, InnoSer maintains a continuous stock of ADPKD mouse colonies, meaning that they do not have to be sourced from other laboratories, supporting quick study starts, whilst helping you avoid high costs associated with animal purchases as well as timeline delays due to quarantining periods. At InnoSer, we can accommodate studies with up to 8 treatment groups and handle >100 animals per study, ensuring flexibility for even the most complex study designs. Request a tailored study quote from our team today.

Does InnoSer have capability to run other studies in other nephrology-related models?
Yes, InnoSer has extensive expertise in nephrology research and can conduct studies in models for:
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).
  • Diabetic Kidney Disease.
  • Kidney ischemia-reperfusion injury.
  • Glomerular nephritis models.
Our advanced capabilities, including ultrasound imaging, urine analysis, and blood/urine biomarkers, ensure reliable and detailed results. Speak with our nephrology experts to discuss your study goals.

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Therapeutic targets for ADPKD

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In ADPKD, mutations in the PKD1 or PKD2 gene cause changes in polycystin 1 or 2 (PC1 and PC2) expression, which in turn interferes with several intracellular signaling pathways that are e.g., involved in cell proliferation, fluid secretion, and ciliary function. The...

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Salsalate ameliorates disease progression in ADPKD mouse model

Salsalate ameliorates disease progression in ADPKD mouse model

In this newsletter we present in-house validation data of Salsalate on disease progression in the ADPKD mouse model. One of key therapeutic strategies undertaken to provide new and efficacious treatments for ADPKD is targeting key signaling pathways that drive cystic...

AAALAC Accreditation

InnoSer has earned the AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to responsible animal care and use. AAALAC International is a nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. Our accreditation is valid for three years, incl. 2023. Read more about the AAALAC accreditation programme here.


Animal Welfare

The 3Rs impact everything from policy and regulatory change to the development and uptake of new technologies and approaches. This is why InnoSer has ongoing commitment and monitoring of these processes. The steps we practice maximize our ability to replace, reduce and refine animal involvement and facilitate our commitment to these principles when it comes to research and drug development.

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