Naturally Aged Mouse Model

Investigate relevant compounds to promote increased human longevity and healthy ageing thanks to our experience with InnoSer’s naturally aged mouse model 

Ageing represents the accumulation of changes over time and generally increases the risk of a wide range of diseases, such as inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Aging is, however, a complex process in which all tissues in the body change over time. Given the multitude of potential causes of aging, it is challenging to find a good model system for this process. Therefore, the most holistic, agnostic, and straightforward method is to let wild-type mice age naturally over time.  

As part of our innovative preclinical research services in the field of neurology, InnoSer uses and has access to naturally aged mouse model cohorts of C57BL/6J (B6) mice that are up to 2 years of age. Similarly, you can perform efficacy studies in mouse models from InnoSer’s portfolio that show pathologies commonly associated with ageing such as of Aβ plaque pathology, tau pathology, and natural aging. Efficacy studies in the naturally aged mouse model can be complemented with various behavioral tests (focusing on cognition for example) as well as histopathology assessments (e.g., P16INK4A and β-galactosidase) to assess the degree of senescence. 

Take advantage of InnoSer’s expertise in modelling the ageing pathology. Our in-house neurology experts are happy to help guide your decision on study design fit for your current research goals. 

InnoSer’s neurology expert team possesses relevant experience in working with multiple therapy types ranging from small molecules, peptides, enzymes, oligonucleotides, gene therapy (viral vectors – e.g.. AAVs) and immunotherapies (antibody/vaccine immunotherapies). 

Key characteristics of the naturally aged mouse model: 

  • Aged mice are available up to 2 years of age. 
  • By 22 months of age, mice display profound changes in behaviour, different from changes seen in neurodegeneration models, such as decreased activity and velocity in the PhenoTyper™

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Belgian based preclinical neurology CRO mouse models

Key readouts in the naturally aged mouse model

Test the efficacy of your treatments in the following battery of cognitive behavioural tests: 

Test the efficacy of your treatments with the following biological readouts:

  • IHC: senescence markers (p16INK4A; β-gal)

Example data featuring the naturally aged mouse model

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Neurology Platform Overview

Highly relevant neurology models to facilitate preclinical drug development

Alzheimer's Disease Mouse Models

Complimentary range of models and unique behavioural services that recapitulate key characteristics of Alzheimer’s Disease in vivo.

Parkinson's Disease Mouse Models

InnoSer offers unique behavioral services using in vivo models such as MPTP, and alpha-synuclein (both transgenic and seeding).

AAALAC Accreditation

InnoSer has earned the AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to responsible animal care and use. AAALAC International is a nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. Our accreditation is valid for three years, incl. 2023. Read more about the AAALAC accreditation programme here.


Animal Welfare

The 3Rs impact everything from policy and regulatory change to the development and uptake of new technologies and approaches. This is why InnoSer has ongoing commitment and monitoring of these processes. The steps we practice maximize our ability to replace, reduce and refine animal involvement and facilitate our commitment to these principles when it comes to research and drug development.

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