Preclinical Development Services
In vitro and in vivo methods to provide a study setup that thoroughly determines safety and efficacy
The IND-dossier requires an in-depth profiling and extrapolation of pharmacological parameters to substantiate the proposed clinical dosing-regimen to meet the requirements for the desired exposure in a human subject while minimizing its toxic effects.
It is part of InnoSer’s ambition to serve its customers in all stages of their preclinical research. As such, we are currently in the process of applying for a GLP-accreditation.

Our Approach
Readily available to guide you through the study design process and support you in accelerating your preclinical research

With our wide portfolio of methods and models, we can determine the transferability and reliability of your results supporting you in the transition of your compounds from bench to the clinic. Our team and network of experts are committed to accelerating the drug development process to help you deliver your treatment to patients at a fast pace.
InnoSer can support you in developing your clinical hypothesis by using a pharmacometrics approach. Using tools such as population-based pharmacokinetic modelling (PopPK) we can support you in optimizing your clinical setup for specific substrata of patients.
Partner with an Expert to Advance Your Therapeutic Discovery.
Work with our team to evaluate your drug and target for therapeutic effects with precision and expertise

Our Capabilities
InnoSer is currently expanding its offerings of in vitro models for specialty toxicology, including new approach methods (NAMs), such as genetic toxicity, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, liver toxicity, cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity.
In vivo pharmacology
- DMPK properties
- Therapeutic efficacy studies
- Pharmacokinetics
- MTD (Maximum Tolerated Dose) determination
- Dose Response Relations
- Translational disease models
- Single Dose Toxicity
- Repeated Dose Toxicity
- Toxicokinetics
- Medical device biocompatibility

Navigate The Drug Development Pipeline
AAALAC Accreditation
InnoSer has earned the AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating our commitment to responsible animal care and use. AAALAC International is a nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. Our accreditation is valid for three years, incl. 2023. Read more about the AAALAC accreditation programme here.
Animal Welfare
The 3Rs impact everything from policy and regulatory change to the development and uptake of new technologies and approaches. This is why InnoSer has ongoing commitment and monitoring of these processes. The steps we practice maximize our ability to replace, reduce and refine animal involvement and facilitate our commitment to these principles when it comes to research and drug development.