Innovation is not only part of InnoSer’s name but is central to its activities. We believe, the solution for the continuously high drug attrition rates resides in addressing the problem already at the preclinical stages of drug development. More specifically, we aim to improve success rates by:

  1. Developing platforms that integrate in vitro and in vivo testing in coherent pipelines
  2. Bringing testing platform characteristics closer to those of the patients’
  3. Making data driven choices while designing studies as well as shaping R&D efforts

International consortia projects are the main channel we invest in for developing innovative platforms. These projects, also funded by prestigious organizations like Eurostars, VLAIO and Health~Holland, bring several academic and industry partners together. With different expertise areas, these partners form a network of advanced knowledge and capabilities. This not only puts the network at the forefront of scientific developments but also gives rise to innovative technologies that ultimately improve the treatments for patients.

InnoSer continuously contributes to consortia projects in its main therapeutic fields, which are oncology, neurodegeneration, kidney diseases and cardiology. There is much need for fundamental improvements of the drug development pipelines in all of these fields. Ideally, they not only provide solutions to patients that treat symptoms but also the disease itself. So, models that recreate disease pathophysiology as close to real conditions as possible are extremely valuable.

Check out this overview of InnoSer’s consortia projects that include developing organoid and organ-on-chip platforms >>

Bringing testing platform characteristics closer to the patient profiles also serves the need to develop personalized treatments. For example, tools that use biopsy samples as their starting material, such as patient-derived organoids, are able to recreate original genetic and phenotypic profile. This way the drug development is optimized for the respective profile (i.e. a subgroup of patients with the same profile). Making such early stage distinctions can then inform clinical trials: With patient stratification, we can increase effectiveness and decrease unwanted effects.

We also try our best to integrate different perspectives from fundamental researchers, clinicians, patients, academic or industry partners in shaping our future R&D efforts. It is important for us that our investments serve actual needs in the field, and accelerate the development of therapies. We have been collecting this information, with a particular focus on advanced in vitro models, in the form of an online survey. You are more than welcome to contribute to these innovative efforts by taking part.

Participation in our survey is no longer available

We plan to complete the analysis of our dataset very soon and aim to publish the outcome as a white paper, so that we can also contribute to the knowledge of the wider scientific community. If you choose the take part in the survey, you can automatically opt in to receive the white paper. For each completed survey, we also make a donation to LIKAF to support cancer research.

In summary, innovation in the drug development space for us means tailoring our methods to better suit to patients’ needs. This will essentially benefit the full drug development pipeline, from preclinical to clinical, and provide reliable, cost effective, and fundamental solutions.