Currently with no known cure, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. InnoSer has recently finished a project with promising results in understanding altered electrophysiological signaling in brain cell culture models for healthy and neurodegenerative diseased tissue focusing on ALS.
The Nano+ project was carried out in conjunction with TU/e & UMCU based on a Health~Holland grant. InnoSer acted as the key preclinical consultant, contributing the knowledge of our biomedical engineer to the experiment and supporting the staff of partners with our expertise. Despite limitations posed to the project due to COVID-19, we made significant advancements and future plans include a follow up experiment focusing on motor neuron behavior on nanogrooved microelectrode arrays.

The results obtained from Nano+, though limited, showed promising outcomes involving: the improvement of biological coatings, Brain-on-Chip systems for 3D cell models sustaining stem-cell neurons over many weeks, and that ALS-derived stem cells can be obtained and cultured to motor neurons on nanogrooved substrates. This project has provided a solid foundation for the continuing development for a fully validated Brain-on-Chip model for neurodegenerative diseases.
Participating in academic research is an important part of our efforts to stay up to date and involved with innovative technologies, for the improvement and accuracy of compound testing resulting in better patient outcomes. InnoSer is passionate about integrating consortia into our operations, whether it is commercial or academic, we are proud to be contributing to the wider knowledge of the scientific community.