July is Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) Awareness month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about this rare genetic disorder, affecting thousands of individuals worldwide. We are deeply committed to accelerating the availability of targeted therapies to improve the lives of those affected by this condition.
A significant remaining challenge in preclinical FXS research is accessing novel, but crucial readouts that are recognized by scientists not only in the preclinical, but also the clinical field.
We are excited to introduce you to our newly validated readout of high translational relevance: Auditory Event-Related Potential (AERP) EEG recording. Recent literature indicates that clinical EEG recording in FXS patients shows differences in ERP amplitudes; a phenomenon that we also detect in the Fmr1 KO mouse model of FXS.
Experimental setup for auditory event-related potential (AERP) EEG recording. During an ERP recording session, multiple trials are provided with a 100 msec white noise stimulus (~70 dB), with 4-6 sec inter trial interval. Trials with movement artifacts (deducted from XYZ activity) are excluded, generating a clean average AERP trace for the auditory cortex electrode. The figure shows a concept trace, based on internal validation data and literature.
We further invite you to learn more about our capabilities in the Fmr1 KO mouse model in our leaflet:
To help you fine-tune your lead compound’s bioavailability, InnoSer has ample experience in carrying out PK/PD studies and analyses. To ensure your compound’s safety, InnoSer can additionally perform safety pharmacology analyses.
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InnoSer provides a variety of validated in vitro and in vivo screening tests for psychiatry and neurology. If you require additional information, feel free to reach out, and we will respond within a few days.
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