Auditory event-related potentials (AERP)

Event related potentials (ERPs) are subtle changes in electrical activity generated in response to specific motor, sensory, or cognitive events. In clinical research, ERPs are often studied using an auditory oddball paradigm, where participants listen to a series of regular tones with occasional different or “odd” tones.

Clinical EEG recording in FXS patients has shown differences in event -related potential amplitudes. Such phenomenon is also observed in the Fmr1 KO mice, making this experiment a highly valued translational test for model characterization and intervention studies.

During an ERP recording session, multiple trials are provided with a 100 msec white noise stimulus (~70 dB), with 4-6 sec inter trial interval. Trials with movement artifacts (deducted from XYZ activity) are excluded, to generate a clean average AERP trace for the auditory cortex electrode.

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Fragile X Syndrome

InnoSer offers unique preclinical behavioural research studies using Fmr1 knock-out (KO) mouse model. 

Auditory Event-Related Potentials EEG-Recording

We show similar EEG traces in Fmr1 KO mice, typically observed in FXS patients.