Connecting with bright minds and staying at the forefront of technological developments keeps us informed on new directions and how we can integrate innovative technologies that better serve our clients. This year’s Innovation for Health event will be focusing on prevention and will be attended by InnoSer representative, Pascal Simoens.  After last year’s virtual event we are looking forward to connecting, in person, with like-minded individuals and introducing our new service package ISAP (InnoSer Acceleration Program), which expands upon our selection of in vitro and in vivo services and expertise.   Our ISAP program is designed to provide Infrastructure, Support, Access, and Personalization to your research projects while facilitating freedom for scientists and biotech companies to focus on their key goals in developing innovative therapeutic solutions. We guide and operate the technical and scientific needs for your project and provide a solid foundation of laboratory services and expertise to allow organizations to truly innovate and change the health industry for the better. 

ISAP Offerings:

  • AAALAC accredited facility 
  • Flexible rental options 
  • Extensive support of our scientific, technical and quality experts 
  • Cost and time efficient workflow to facilitate your research 
  • Access to state-of-the-art equipment and technologies 
  • IACUC & Veterinary Support 
Transgenic mouse in modern laboratory
In addition, ISAP users have access to our highly reliable, well-characterized, in vivo and in vitro disease models, big data, and digital histopathology services. These offerings are fully flexible and tailored in collaboration with your organization’s needs. 

Laboratory Technical Support:

Our preclinical expertise and in vivo experience have made us trusted service providers that can facilitate the following technical services and more; 
  • Contract breeding 
  • Cryopreservation and rederivation 
  • (Cardiac) surgery 
  • Stereotactic injections
  • Animal model set-up and validation 
  • Implantation of tumors 
  • Assay development and set-up  
  • Technical procedures 
  • Dosing and animal handling 
  • Tissue and organ dissections 
  • Necropsy 
We are excited for the planned program and the speakers’ Innovation for Health has organized this year. Do remember to say hello to Pascal on the 21st of April, we’ll see you there! 

Curious about more information on our ISAP program?

Contact our expert Pascal for an outline of the program possibilities for your upcoming project. 

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MDX Mouse Model Validation Data

MDX Mouse Model Validation Data

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