As InnoSer transitions from the startup to scale up phase in its journey, it is also taking a number of steps to ascertain its quality management ambitions. Having dedicated personnel, expanding our current list of certifications, organizing formal audits and trainings are surely important parts of these efforts. However, we also acknowledge that quality is a mindset that we implement in our organization as a whole.

From first contact to last invoice

To conduct research in our laboratories and use our equipment, we require strict protocols and control lists. Quality standards come into play long before we go into the labs to test your compounds though. From our very first contact with you to the last, we approach your project with the utmost flexibility and care.

We do what we say…

Before we make an agreement to start your study at InnoSer, your business development manager and study director have meetings with you to understand the exact needs of your project and propose the optimal study design. These meetings provide a clear overview to you about what is (or is not) possible, which platforms will be utilized, and what your investment and project timeline will be.

… and say what we do.

Similarly, at all the agreed upon time points, you receive comprehensive reports not only providing you your end data, statistical analysis results, and data visualizations, but also outlining all protocols followed and summarizing the details of your study. This transparency enables you to bring your lead compounds to the next stages in developing your drug with the highest reliability.

“Always improve” mindset

As we strive to get as close to perfection as possible, we always keep an open mind for change. Scientific advances, new communication technologies, improved ways of data storage and transfer mean a need for constantly updating our methods. We therefore embrace an “always improve” mindset and keep asking the question: “How can we do better?”

>> Do you have suggestions for our quality management that can help us improve our services? Feel free to share them with us via our general contact form.

>> Are you ready to have your study conducted with the highest quality standards? Send us a brief description of your project.

Our current accreditation and certifications include:

ISO 9001 logo